Our members consist of dedicated women who meet during the year from September to June. Our meetings are planned around an array of guest speakers with informational topics of interest to our members and the community, The Branch is involved in National and State programming with annual contributions to the Educational Foundation, the Legal Advocacy Fund and STEM programs. Scholarships are annually awarded to women furthering their college education.


Elected Officers

President                                       Sharon Suber
Program Vice Presidents          Eileen Bigge & Gaylor Simons
Secretary                                       Joanne Mason
Treasurer                                      May Diehl
Assistant Treasurer                   Gloria Martinez

Appointed Officers

AAUW Funds                                Eileen Bigge
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion   Edwina Sessons
Public Policy                                 Stephanie Nock


Scholarship                                    *Elizabeth Price, Sharon Gardner, Joanne Mason & Kimberly Cenno-Mackney
Book & Author Program              *Sharon Suber Lois Aaronson, Sharon Gardner, Eileen Bigge & Kimberly Cenno-Mackney
Fundraising                                    Gloria Martinez (Boscov’s), May Diehl (Shoprite),                                                                                     Sharon Gardner (50/50)
Teentech/Tween Tech                  Sharon Suber, Taziah Kenney, Elizabeth Price, Jacqueline McGuinness & Jasmine Davis, Noemi Mendez & Barbara (Bobbi) Jannen
Tech Trek                                        Jasmine Davis & Stephanie Nock
Social Amenities                           Elizabeth Springer
Hospitality                                     Gaylor Simons & Sharon Gardner
Directory/Website                        Sharon Suber
Website/Facebook                       Irene Richardson
Bylaws                                            Edwina Sessons & Eileen Bigge                                                            *Chair

Members that hold State Positions:
Sharon Suber – President, Central District Coordinator & C/U Relations Director
Edwina Sessons – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director
Jacqueline McGuinness – Tech Trek Co-Director & Charitable Trust Member
Jasmine Davis – Charitable Trust Member

Member that holds a National Position:
Sharon Suber  –  Advancement Committee Representative

The Five-Star Recognition Program acknowledges the work of AAUW branches for aligning their work with the AAUW strategic plan and other initiatives that foster the organization’s mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls.

2021 – 2022 TWO-STAR WINNER
2023 – 2024 TWO-STAR WINNER

Past Presidents of the Branch